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Building a Seedbed for Change: Meet Lorena Cofradía

We still have a long way to go but deconstructing ourselves allows us to move forward at a good pace. Deconstruction allows us to adapt and accept new ideas, as well as decide how we want to carry out those changes. Empathy and understanding are fundamental to continue developing gender equality.

InukBags Celebrates International Women’s Day

How can we remember our #CommonNature on IWD?   This month at InukBags we want to celebrate IWD (International Women’s Day) by helping to create a more gender-balanced world and raise awareness against gender inequality. That is why we will celebrate and highlight women all over the world that defy gender roles.

A Day With Inuk Fisher at The Day of Dead in Mexico City

  The Day of the Dead is a Mexican tradition celebrated on November 1 and 2 in which the dead are honored. It origin...
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