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The best snack for school The best snack for school

The best snack for school

One of the most fun things to do when we go back to school is to share the food prepared by parents with friends. We also have more opportunities to eat snacks. But snacking can cause a lot of problems for children, such as eating too many sweet, fried foods. Not only for children at school, but when we go outdoors, we always need something more energetic, small and healthy.

Fruits, dried fruits are always the best choices. Add some chocolate or oatmeal to make an ENERGY BALL that can be a pre-workout breakfast in the morning. Even because it is so easy to make, parents can make this ball with their children.

Here is a recipe for making 12 feathered dragon balls (you can call it whatever you like).

  • 6 Dates ( or peanut butter)
  • Oats (6-10 teaspoons )
  • Chia seeds (1 teaspoon, for more protein )
  • Olive oils (1 teaspoon )
  • Water ( 3 teaspoons )
  • Dark chocolate (to taste, for more flavour)
  • Dried fruits (optional: walnuts, almonds, mulberries for more texture )
  • Honey (optional)

With food processor

  1. Put dates, oats, chia seeds and oils into the food processor. Blend for 10 seconds,so that the ingredients mix well.
  2. Put chocolates and dried fruits in the machine and mix for 5 seconds, to keep thetexture.
  3. Put the water into the machine, little by little, until the ingredients become a mass.
  4. I make little balls with a teaspoon and put them on the oats to make their feathers.
  5. Leave them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

No food processor

You can replenish them with peanut butter when you don't have a food processor. And mix the ingredients together with spoons.

Well, it's a recipe of mine, and everyone has their own creativity in cooking. Why don't you make some combinations of natural ingredients that you like. And share your ENERGY BALL with us!

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