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“Petals for Armour”- Meet Asako Tajima “Petals for Armour”- Meet Asako Tajima

“Petals for Armour”- Meet Asako Tajima

 Women’s rights celebration and promotion should not be limited to a one-month celebration. It is a constant fight to improve the quality of life of all of us. Gender equity and equality are fundamental to remember and live following our common nature. We live in a perfect moment to remember our roots. Now is the time to preserve and protect our health, our families, and our livelihoods together. We must look for gender equality and equity because a fairer future is a brilliant future for all of us.


Here, at Inuk bags, the quest for gender equality and equity continues. So, today, we want to highlight our friend Asako Tajima to #CelebrateYourPower. She conducts herself always in a calm, collected, and eager to help manner and currently works for Ytsamuse co.,ltd in Tokyo, Japan. Her work ethic, skills, resilience, and positive attitude help her to overcome the gender gap in Japan. We at Inuk bags know that she carries the spirit and ideas of our common nature, but we want to shine a light on her and show you how a defiant attitude does not always need to be rude. Kindness is also strong and fierce because being nice is only hard when others are not. In those cases, we need to wear our petal armour and let our skills, abilities, and resilience lead the way.



Can you tell us what inspired you to pursue your career/professional path?


A quote by Federico Fellini, “A different language is a different vision of life”.


Is there an experience in particular that shaped how you see and understand gender roles?


Fortunately, I worked for a trading company that employs women’s skills and abilities and was proactive in achieving work-life balance.


Have you experienced any prejudice, discrimination, or lack of support towards you or your ideas because of your gender identity?


Not really.


What do you think about today’s progress on gender equality?


I think it depends on the country you live in, but in Japan, the gender gap is still prominent in some industries.


Can you tell us how you have grown as a woman over the years?


Over the years, I have grown as a woman who is self-sufficient, resilient, and works hard to achieve whatever I set my mind into.


What did you dream of becoming when you were younger?


When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming a photographer. 


Can we achieve a sustainable way of living if there is no gender equality?


I think it is possible.


How do you want to continue developing your life plan? What comes next?


I would like to continue to live my life applying my skills and abilities while having a positive attitude and being of service to others.


Why is it important to take gender concerns into account when developing any kind of project in your area?


Japan is ranked 120th out of 156 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index. It is the lowest ranked one among developed countries. It is essential to use the skills and abilities of all genders, to cooperate, and compensate to make this world a better place.


Do you think there are any kinds of barriers for women in your area of expertise?


Not in my area of expertise.


Given the state of the world now, what would you choose to challenge, and why would you choose it/them?


I think we are at a point where we all need to use our knowledge, skill, and kindheartedness to sustain our Earth and imagine a peaceful world.


What is a piece of advice would you give to women that want to do something like what you do?


Understand your passion, skills, abilities, and purpose. Believe that these qualities and a positive attitude to work towards a goal create infinite possibilities.


Positivity, resilience, and using your skills are fundamental to overcome the gender gap and achieve gender equality and equity. Our friend Asako works hard every day to show that the skills and abilities of all genders are fundamental to make our planet a better place. Yet, for some people, gender gaps are natural and necessary. This can be because they do not consider it an issue, they have different cultural contexts, or they are influenced by social and institutional practices that limit what men and women can be and do. Thus, if we want to end the gender gap we need to act, innovate, and implement our ideas. Such is the Inuk bags way, that is our common nature.



About Asako Tajima


Asako Tajima is a professional currently working for Ytsamuse co.,ltd. Through her whole life, she has carried herself kindly, but never forgetting her strengths and values. Asako is a strong and fierce woman who is always eager to help, improve, and discover new possibilities. She looks forward to continuing applying her skills, qualities, experience, and talent to show the world that women can be leaders.
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